Top Digital Marketing Trends 2023

Position your company for marketing success in the new year. This exclusive interview with CMG's top minds reveals what digital marketing trends 2023 has in store.

The past three years have been rife with uncertainty. Geopolitical tensions, economic downturns, and evolving attitudes toward how and when work gets done means businesses have had to swiftly adapt and evolve.

Just like in every industry, 2023 means big changes for marketing. From Google updates to losing website cookies (which dramatically affect retargeting campaigns), even the most innovative marketers shouldn't expect their old strategies to be as effective as they once were. To stay on top, marketers need to anticipate and nimbly navigate every shift.

As we sat down with some of the best marketing minds we know, we gained some insights you should know about 2023 digital marketing trends.

Digital marketing 2023 trends

General Outlook

To start, we asked our digital marketing professionals about the general outlook for marketing in 2023. Our theory was simple: it's always wise to take a general view of the situation before diving deeper into the obstacles, advantages, and impact of individual tactics.

  1. What do you think 2023 holds for the future of marketing?

I think we can expect conversations about ROI. Budgets will stay the same or down, depending on the vertical and the owner. SMB will panic about marketing. Those who can't afford to market will stop.

- Wes

Attribution is a big conversation in 2022, but we can expect it to be solved in 2023. Google is going towards an automation model. More automation = more "this is how it's working."

- Shajan

Google automation will be crucial to understand 2023 digital marketing trends.

- Pete

2. Is there anything that professional marketers should know about ahead of time?

Know what your competition is doing. Don't be surprised when your comp comes out with a new campaign. Stay competitive & relevant.

- Wes

Consider that when things change economically that changes consumer habits and actions. What matters to your audience? Some people are more interested in consumer sentiments towards cost, longevity of the product.

- Quest

Search Engine & Targeted Display Ads

Our marketers offered some inside advice about the outlook for search engines and targeted display advertising in 2023. As two of the most utilized tactics, it's imperative for every marketer-no matter the niche- to understand how search engines and targeted display ads are evolving.

3. Will the cost of PPC on Google and social media continue to rise? Is it still a wise investment?

As far as 2023 digital marketing trends go, reliance on Google's AI will continue to help predict what's going to work for driving bottom of the funnel performance. Creative component is critical, the landing page is critical. Prioritize the experience.

- Pete

Yes, as long as it's part of a strategy that takes advantage of other channels too.

- Wes

4. What marketing tactics will likely offer the lowest CPC?

Direct & organic.

- Wes

5. How can businesses obtain/maintain a good ROAS when competition is growing?

Starting is knowing and clarifying what your ROAS is. A lot of businesses don't know.

- Wes

Changes are taking place in Google. To compete you have to provide more value. Help define return on ad spend for your clients. Really get granular for each channel. It's tough to get clients to think about it or say that ROAS is good as a negotiation point. Don't forget about the lifetime value of the customer + potential referrals/word of mouth.

- Pete

6. Are there any new developments in the world of targeted display that might affect campaigns in 2023?

Amazon display targeting works through TV then retargets on Amazon. Did you know CMG can retarget ads through TV? This will be a huge advantage for anyone who can stay on top of the digital marketing trends 2023 promises to introduce.

Has Amazon changed that product at all?

No, we're adding onto the Amazon relationship. More retargeting capabilities in 2023: audio, tv, display, etc. Facebook ads get reduced, while Amazon grows.

- Pete

FB ads are lowering in quality and success, FB is more like targeted display now. Don't tie conversions to social campaigns.

- Wes

Google, Analytics, & Niche-Centered Marketing

We picked Pete, Wes, and Quest's brains about the future of Google, analytics, and niche-centered marketing tactics.Their responses below are invaluable for anyone looking to create more profitable marketing campaigns.

7. Will Google Analytics 4 play a crucial role in 2023? Why leverage it?

Yes, templated approaches to verticals will continue to be critical. When it comes to 2023 digital marketing trends, analytics is key; it's important for taking on clients at scale. At CMG, we do the heavy lifting so others don't have to. It's a great idea to provide more ROI to specific industries. (Show what's different in GA4 to clients, they don't have time to look at it).

- Pete

8. Google keeps updating, should I be worried about my old SEO strategy?

As long as Google keeps updating, you'll have to adjust and readjust your SEO strategy.

- Wes

Yes, the changes that are taking place will have a big impact on SEO strategies.However, not everyone will have to 180. Marketers have always had to evolve in an ever-changing digital landscape. More pressure in 2023 just means we'll need to evolve even faster.

- Pete

9. Do digital marketing efforts need to be more niche-centered and geographically rooted, or can it be more generic?

It's always been better to be geographically rooted. People search for specific things in their own backyard first.

- Quest

All of CMG's clients are local businesses. To help them thrive we localize creative, search, imagery, etc.

- Wes

Of all the B2C and B2B digital marketing trends 2023 will show us, one thing remains the same: getting in front of the right audience at the right time is the best way to make a sale. Localization helps achieve this.

- Pete

Social Media & More

Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up with unfettered access to the internet. Now they're rewriting the rules about what social media advertising techniques are most effective. People (not just Gen Z) today respond to platforms that are dynamic and visual, satiating our never-ending need to be entertained in innovative ways. We asked CMG's social media marketing savants about where — and how — audiences will want to engage with social media ads in 2023.

10. It's hard gaining a social media following, what will help businesses gain a large following in 2023? (Content types, best platforms, predictions, etc)

Small and medium sized businesses want a large following but don't always put resources towards it. Let's face it: organic socials don't work well for 98%, instead focus on paying for it. For a case study, see how CMG positioned our radio DJs as a kind of influencer.

- Wes

B2B digital marketing trends 2023 will see more companies trying to do good and give back. Those messages are resonating very well nowadays. We don't do organic, but consider this: local business owners shouldn't try to be influencers. Not all companies need influencers.

- Pete

11. Will it be better to hire an agency or hire in-house marketers in 2023?

The age old question rears its head again when we talk about digital marketing trends 2023: buy it or build it? Sure, you can build a great in-house marketing team but what is the non-tangible cost for human capital? What does employee retention/turnover look like? Bigger picture of in-house can be intimidating- think benefits, bottom-line, and many more associated costs.

- Pete

12. How does CMG stay on top of digital marketing trends and strategies?

Simple: powerful targeting options/retargeting in a localized manner, even down to a specific person's address. Very bullish. Email pushes opportunity cross-channel.

- Pete

One example is: we always start by asking our clients (and ourselves): what are you doing with your 1st party emails vs other lists? Then we show them how emails are used to go around cookies to target more effectively. Whenever a trend or shift presents a problem, we put our minds together to come up with an innovative solution.

- Wes

Is there anything else you think is important for marketing in 2023? (Predictions, tips, etc).

I recently met with a client in higher education with a large budget. As we talked through the renewal process , they asked, "who do you want to go to lunch with?" Basically one thing people forget is that anyone can sell the same products, but not everyone is someone you can trust and actually enjoy/want to go to lunch with. Working with people you want to work with equals less stress and better outcomes.

- Wes

Utilize your own list and continue meaningful conversations.

- Quest

Your Next Steps

We get it: that was a lot of information.

B2B digital marketing trends 2023 = an ever-evolving landscape that may appear intimidating or overwhelming.

If you're considering all the changes and unsure how you'll have time to brush up your marketing strategy in the new year, allow CMG to do the grunt work for you.

We provide top-tier digital marketing services that are custom designed to suit any company—no matter the size, industry, or objective. Instead of worrying about the performance of your future marketing campaign, chat with us. We'll take that stress off of your shoulders, so you focus on what really matters: making 2023 your company's best year yet.

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